Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gay Marriage

Let me say this about that:

I think whoever put gay marriage on the so-called "agenda" got it wrong. Not the idea - the idea is a good one: equal civil rights for gay couples and families. No, the problem is use of the word "marriage." Using that particular word moved the issue away from equal rights and opened us up for accusations that gays were trying to redefine the institution of marriage.

This was clarified for me as I listened to a radio call in program where a woman from the Heartland very passionately declared that "Jesus doesn't recognize these marriages." I realize then that the answer to that statement was missing from the gay side of this debate. It is Uncle Sam, not Jesus (or any other religious authority) we want to recognize our families. I can't help but think if that had been the message, we might have gotten a little further with this process.

1 comment:

  1. I get a lot of grief for it, but I think ENDA is so much more important than the marriage issue in terms of what needs to be accomplished first. After all, it doesn't make much sense to fight for spousal benefits if you can still be fired for being gay. ENDA should come first.
